Unfortunately I feel like I have more lows than highs this week! However, as the week comes to an end I can say it all turned out good...Phew! I list my lows:
1. My computer projector didn't have a bad bulb...It has died.
2. My camera's battery ran out of power right before our Thanksgiving performance.
3. Our Thanksgiving performance was two days earlier than I had written on my calendar.
4. My new little kitty is still not completely healthy and I worry about my sweet little girl. We were back at the vet this week for an antibiotic shot and no vaccines until she is healthy. It is like bringing a baby home!
Kat Kong sits on my Cranky Bear's model railroad! |
My Native's ready to perform! |
I can live without my projector, but I miss my brain-break song visuals. I had quit using Class DoJo because I felt like it caused more problems than solved. I still like the timer feature and the randomizer, but I get so tired of giving or taking away points from students. I just decided to love them and teach them as much as I can each day reminding them to follow the rules and Owl-Ways be a friend. I must say since I have done away with the whole Class DoJo the kids behavior has improved significantly and I'm not afraid to take them out in public. Forming relationships with each student on the basis of believing they can and loving them even went they don't seems to work much better for me. Maybe the dead projector is a high...Along with....
1. MY SON IS ON HIS WAY HOME FOR A WEEK! I love that kid! My students can't wait for him to show up and teach them to draw something....I wonder what it will be....Stay tuned!
2. A kitty waits each day for me when I walk in the door and is super happy to see me.
3. I finished a project that I can hardly wait to share with my Owlets. Since reading In Pictures and In Words two summers ago, I see a whole new value in children's illustrating. The details and ideas they can express in their pictures is pretty incredible. Someday one of my students will say, "She let us draw!" If kids finish their work early they get to "Read, Write or Sketch". They were wasting a lot of blank paper. I'd find half done drawings laying all over the floor with no owner. Now at the beginning of each week they can take a new "sketch" book to their desk for the week. It provides an avenue for expression and creativity. I love having them tell me about their sketches and sometimes I have been known to say, "Take out your sketchbook and draw...a character from a book you're reading, or the setting of the class read aloud, or..."You get the idea!
Back to my sketchbooks...I just got
Granny Goes Back to School's delightful winter clip art package. It is so sweet. Most of the illustrations in the book are from her packet. I can't wait to use it to make games and activities for my owlet's work stations.
4. The play my Owlets put on for a Senior group turned out great and we even finished the costumes and props in time! Come back next week for pictures...We are doing it again for our parents next week.
5. I have awesome visitors to my blog like you. I would love to send you my sketchbook packet. If you think you can use it, leave your e-mail below and I'll send it to the first 5 responders! If you really want to help support my book habit click on the image to go to my store and buy it!!
6. I....love....ellipses!
Ready to link up? The world and I are waiting to hear your Highs and Lows!