Today had the beginnings of being a "terrible, horrible, no good very bad day"! We woke up to bright sunshine and not to our alarm clock. We had no electrical power. We had to get to church early today, so no time to shower or wash my hair...Yuck! No coffee could be made. We couldn't figure out how to use our
"Smart" dumb phone to call Consumers Energy. During church I realized I had gone to college with the couple sitting behind me. They commented that I hadn't changed a bit...Great, dirty hair and no make-up is how they remember me!
I'm happy to say that things did look up! My young parent Bible class was very meaningful and we talked about being "Faith Whisperers" in the lives of our children. (This idea has come to me as I read
The Book Whisperer which IS as good as everyone says!) I left church feeling very different than how I had walked in and was so happy to come home to a house lit up like a Christmas Tree! We had turned lights on, but not off during the outage!
I would be able to play with my electric toys! My daughter's bedroom has been converted into my craft room. Every vertical surface is covered with paper or fabric! No more basement for me . . . I'm moving up in the world! Check this out...
Underneath this paper there IS a bed! |
Today I found yet more paper to laminate! I love the way these turned out...
Come closer!
I've been using my marker board to do my Daily Five rotations. This will be so much more fun. I used my Cricut to cut the puzzle pieces out and then laminated them with my very own PaperMonster laminator. The thick lamination is so sturdy this will last for years!! I used a dry erase marker to write on them, so they can be erased and used for all kinds of things!
I love this machine! I'm so happy I get to give one away!
Will it be you? I hope so! |
Did you know you can win your very own laminator? I blogged about it yesterday and today
I added another way to enter. Just scroll down a little and see what I added!