Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Visit to Preschool and a Freebie!

This dinosaur habitat was created by preschoolers.
I think it's very Eric Carleish!

I absolutely love visiting our preschool class.  One day I got pulled in on an emergency to substitute for the most amazing preschool teacher I have ever met.  These were big shoes to fill!  Her students are the funniest group of people to be with.  The day I was the sub, I was told by one little girl that she lived on a farm and she had a cow.  Of course I jumped all over that and asked for details because I'm thinking field-trip opportunities for my firsties!  I couldn't wait to talk to her mom after school.  Her mother gave me a strange look and informed me that they don't have a cow.  She looked down at her daughter who replied, "but our dog is black and white."  I asked if they milked it.  They don't.  No field trip there!

Here's a great knock knock joke I learned there too:
3 year old:  Knock Knock!
Me:         Who's there?
3 year old:  Boogers! (I really should have run while I had the chance!)
Me:        Booger, who?
3  year old:   Boogers on you!
At this point the child wiped her finger on me!!  Yep, you guessed it....I'll stay in first grade!

But, I do love to visit.  I feel a bit like an aunt because I can come in and get them all wound up and then leave!  One group in particular has captured my heart.  So, with the help of KPMDoodles, I created a mini book for them to read.The day I visited with my book they had just finished their unit on dinosaurs. They were so excited about the book that many of them asked if they could take it home with them.  When they come to school tomorrow I'll have a copy for each of them.  After we read the book many of them concluded that they were dinosaurs because they have long necks, eat meat and have spiny backs!   My firsties like this book, too!  It's predictable and has a repeating pattern that makes it easy to read.  If you have kindergartners, first graders or preschoolers they'll enjoy finding out it they are really a dinosaur!

Take this link to the book:
Dinosaur Mini-Book


Cut the pages of the mini book on the horizontal lines.

Fold the pages back, so that the blank pages are together.

Align the open ends of the book together and staple. Voila!  Your book is complete!

Come back soon so I can show you my new purse and my student's caves!


  1. Fun activity! What a change it will be for you to head to 7th and 8th from Preschool. You can do it!! The kids are so FUN in middle school :)

  2. Loved the cow story! So like a pre-schooler to have that mental image connection! Thanks for your help on getting me started blogging, too.

  3. Sharing my amazing preschooler's is one of my favorite things to do. It is fun to listen to them tell stories to others. I always get a new perspective on their personalities when I hear them talk to other people. My preschooler's LOVE you!

  4. You know I love them, too! I can't wait to visit them next week in your NEW room!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Cute dino freebie!

    Kindergarten Kel

  6. Thanks for sharing, cute freebies and good luck to your preschooler this year!


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