I cannot believe it has been over a month since I last posted anything. It seems to me that since I have gotten my Ipad and gotten sucked into games like Trivia Crack, I've been far less productive in most areas of my life. Enough said...I'm back and ready to share some thoughts. I'm going for the trifecta today.
(Trifecta: a run of three wins or grand events)
The first grand event will contain the second which will contain the third. It is like opening a gift, to open a gift to open a gift! It is your lucky day!
First link is one of my all time favorites...

It may be tricky to come up with five because I've been spending most of the last two weeks in my pajamas eating cookies for breakfast. Enough said...That is my number one. Cookies make a wonderful breakfast because they beg to have milk with them, so this way I did get a serving of calcium. Right? RIGHT?

Remember how I said I had a present inside a present? Well here it is the second grand event. I'm linking up with Farley, too! It is time for Currently...
It isn't too late for you to link up! I'm linker 266. Maybe by the time I'm done it will be 267, but that's okay. It's a great party.
Kitty is sitting on the table my purse watching me right now. I've trained her not to get on the table.
I'm not a big one on making resolutions. I do (here comes the tri- of fecta!) like contemplating one word for the year. I can do that. I can just think of one little word. Link number three come on in...

My one word: Listen
I realize I spend a lot of time talking. I finish sentences for my family. I tell God what I want Him to do in my life. I quite often feel like I've got all the answers...I'm the teacher after all. I realize I have a lot to learn. I want to listen to God's Word and soak it in like never before. I want to listen to my husband and children with not just my ears, but also my heart. I want to listen to my students and better understand their needs as learners.
I spent hours re-doing one of my favorite TPT projects. I think it is better than ever. I think I spent more time fixing it than creating it in the first place. If you think you could use it just click on the picture below to get it on google docs. If you would like to buy it, I'm cool with that. You can. Just click
here to go ahead and put it in your cart!
Happy 2015! May your year be filled with amazing people. It is who you are with that makes the journey worth travelling!