My oldest daughter is home for the summer before finishing her final year in college. She is studying chemistry and biology. She has an amazing brain and she has the ability to think things through in a way I have not been gifted with. She does tend to lose things like cell phones, keys, and wallets, but as long as she doesn't lose her mind, she's going places. Her goal is to go to planet Mars someday. Her name happens to be, Mars! Many people don't know this, but I'm letting you in on a family secret. Her real name is Margaret. She was named after my mom and sister. Since she discovered the planet Mars at the age of three, everyone has called her Mars.
Kpm Doodles! |
Mars is working in childcare for the summer. The last two years she had been working at a place she lovingly nicknamed "Stinkins Adventure".
She is really good at coming up with nicknames! At this job she threw food to people who complained loudly about its cost for the amount of food they were given. She really didn't have any control over this. She followed the rules and people got mad at her. She couldn't do it another year, so she stepped out in faith and quit before her first day of work. When a job came up for her in childcare she jumped at it.
I had never imagined her in childcare. I've seen how caring she is towards her brother and sister. I watched her frustration with me and her father when she's had to lovingly explain or teach us something. Sarcasm is dripping here! She'll be the first to admit that she doesn't have a lot of patience. Guess what! You guessed it! She is doing a wonderful job working with toddlers. She thinks they're funny. She is a case study in God giving us what we need at the right time. I've seen her in action. She is loving, kind, caring and warm with these wonderful little people.
So she came home from work one day this week and asked if she could read my Conscious Discipline book. She wants to help a couple of her charges learn to behave in a more appropriate way. She is trying to get inside their minds and figure out how they work. Uh-oh, she's invested in these little cuties. She has only a month before she heads back to school. I love Conscious Discipline and I would have gladly handed her the book, BUT it isn't a quick fix guide. I would love for her to read it. I think it is a wonderful guide not only for teachers, but also for parents, bosses, mentors, anyone in leadership! The draw back for her right now is that CD isn't quick. It is a life changing retrain of our brains. We have to "see" situations differently. Chapter 1 on composure is opening my eyes to see how I can create an environment in my home and classroom for my family and owlets. The first four principles are easy to remember:
1. Self control is necessary when disciplining children.
2. No one makes us angry unless we give them permission.
3. We must have a plan to reduce stress for ourselves and those around us.
4. Everyone in the classroom has the job of keeping the classroom safe.
These are wonderful principals for us all. I am so excited to start using CD language in my classroom in the fall. I haven't thought a whole lot about my physical classroom structure, but I have been praying for my students everyday and I have been thinking about how I can use Composure to make my classroom environment best for student learning.
Back to Mars. I wanted to give her a quick fix. I've never used a clip chart, but I thought it might help her little ones learn some composure! We talked about it and she got pretty excited. So, I've made her a clip chart for her
little monsters little cuties. Even though owls are my theme in the fall, I'm thinking about trying this in my room. I would hate for my owlets to get tired of owls. I want them to remember
O(only) W(with) the L(Lord's) S(strength) we can do all things.
Click on picture to go to Google Docs! Also available for sale at TPT!
Let me know what you think!
Don't forget I'm looking for a home for this owl!