See if you can follow this train of thought...
Today in church we sang "Children of the Heavenly Father." I have always loved this song, but now it holds a special place in my heart because it makes me think of the student I lost this summer because of a brain aneurysm. Malauri's favorite song for chapel? Children of the Heavenly Father. Now I know she is with our Heavenly Father and Heaven seems more like home because she is there. However, the reason this song was her favorite is because it contained one of her favorite words...bosom. Yep! I said it, "bosom." My children and I now sing the word "bosom" so loud, in memory of Malauri, that people sitting in front of us turn around and look at us. We try to look very innocent and look at the people behind us.
Are you still with me? Thinking of Anne Shirley and bosom friends made me think of bosoms. It is time for me to make an appointment to get my mammogram and maybe even save my life. I have friends and family members who have struggled with breast cancer. My mother and one of my sisters have had to deal with it. Two of my friends are finishing up chemo and reconstructive surgery. I have a friend whose husband had breast cancer and survived. Because of our awareness and our ability to talk openly about breast cancer more and more people's lives are being saved. On going research and awareness has helped us battle not only breast cancer but other kinds of cancer as well.
Carson Dellosa wants you to know that this year alone 226,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed. They are donating $1 from every online purchase to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation®, up to a maximum of $10,000. This includes your purchases from and the Learning Spot™ Library. I want to help them reach their goal!
Click on the above link and go check out what they have to offer. If you've been teaching as long as I have you know that they create products that make our jobs easier and more fun! I'd like to get something for one of my followers to help Carson-Dellosa help fight bosom's enemy.
If you followed that train this far...WOW!

I am so glad your family thinks you are nuts because mine thinks the same of me. I love everything about this post (well except for cancer parts) However I am glad for all the awareness and prevention out there. Thanks for the clip and the shout out...I may need to go watch a little more Anne:-) I had to go look up the song, I don't think I have ever heard it and I do love me some hymns! Have a wonderful Sunday, friend!
Chickadee Jubilee
Oh and I would probably want fun bulletin border:-) I am a hoarder of them!
Great post, Jenny:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I read the bit about Anne of Green Gables, I just had to reply. I absolutely adore that series! I devoured those books as young girl. It is still my favorite book series. Funny how some books just stay with you.
ReplyDeleteFirst Grade and Fearless
I like the double 6 dominoes.
I don't even know what I would get! So many wonderful things!!
Teaching in the Valley
So sorry to hear you have so many family members and friends dealing with breast cancer :( Cancer sucks.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I'd choose, CD is awesome!
I would get the weather pocket chart for my calendar time!! I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your student. I love the way you celebrate her life!! amyswan20 at gmail dot come
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad to hear of how many people deal with cancer and the death of loved ones from it. I am sorry to hear about your student. If I were to win this great giveaway I would either choose a pocket chart of some kind or the base ten block manipulative set. Thanks for the chance to win :)
My (Not So) Elementary Life
This summer, I participated in a linky--"Which book character describes you?"--I chose Anne Shirley! I have read every book by LM Montgomery more times than I can count. I wish my daughter would pick them up and get lost in another time and place, like I did. I think Anne is one of the reasons that I wanted a big family and why I became a teacher.
ReplyDeleteI made the wise decision to order from Carson Dellosa during their huge fall sale; I should have ordered more games! If I win the gift certificate, I'd choose the soundtrack game.
Awesome giveaway! ReadWriteSing
So many things to pick. I don't know what I would get!!!!
I love Carson Dellosa! As a cancer survivor, I really appreciate their efforts to support the fight against cancer.
Still Teaching After All These Years
I can't decide what I would want as there are too many things to choose from.
ReplyDeleteLove the bookmarks. I would give them out when I volunteer at the school.