Saturday, November 22, 2014

I Love You and Some Other Stuff Too!

I love you. What power these words hold. Last spring was the first time I remember looking at a student, making eye contact and saying, "I love you, Tucker." What a floodgate of love was opened with those words. That child wasn't real easy to love, but I did because I knew I couldn't give him anything else of value until I could give him love. It works both ways. Several weeks ago I walked into the after school latch key program to return a student's lunchbox. A future first grader smiled at me and said, "I love you, Mrs. Reck." I teared up. My heart swelled. I have made a connection with a child I don't even have in my classroom yet!  As a teacher, I know that I will sound like a grown-up from Charlie Brown's world if I don't have love to back up what I'm teaching. I can't help but think about 1 Corinthians 13:1

Speaking of daughter is marrying her best friend. You couldn't ask for more than that for your children. We got their save the date card in the mail this week and I am giddy with excitement! Can you identify all these famous couples?

As long as I'm stuck on the subject of love...I found a new friend on Instagram. She made my students think that I was a creative genius! Art with Jenny has some truly amazing and fun art projects to make any special occasion pop! I reluctantly took down our Veteran's Day mural, but will soon replace it with one of Jenny's other creations. Go give her some love, but check this out first..

Click HERE to visit her TPT store. 

My students are falling in love with reading. I love watching first graders grow into readers so quickly. I gave my class a challenge to read 50 books outside of school in two weeks. Each time they read a book they got to place a turkey feather on the turkey decorating our classroom door....they did it!

Because we met the challenge, I get to...well, see if you can decode Tuesday's morning message...

Well, that's embarrassing! What the heck is a pacake? Looks like I have some fixing to do. Please don't tell anyone that I occasionally make mistakes. Just when I thought I was really on top of things!

 I leave you with one last picture. As I was sitting here tapping away look who stopped by! There is a whole flock in my backyard, but this hen came right up to the window. Maybe she is looking for kitty! Maybe the idea of a warm oven sounds inviting on this dreary day? Poor Chessie slept through all the excitement!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

ChatterPix! App Review

I made a concentrated effort this week to grab lots of pictures of my Owlets! Yet, I still ended up with a lot more pictures of my kitty! My daughter and I celebrated our little girl's adoption day. Before she came to live with us she was kept in a cage for two months. Now she is free range. She is frequently spotted on the dinning room table by my Cranky Bear to which I always respond, "I'm sure she's not on the table. I trained her to stay off!" She just thinks she's a decoration!

My favorite app this week is ChatterPix. My kiddos love this app, too! I have all kinds of plans for this including having students making book characters introduce themselves to the class. I've had way too much fun with this late into the night. If you get this FREE app be warned: you will get silly!
Want to take a peek? I narrowed down three videos to share with you. 
This video was made by a child with Selective Mutism! What a great resource for her!

This collection of 50 pennies was part of our Fifty's Day celebration!

Field-trip to my house to rake leaves and make caramel apples! We had a blast!
I know you are wishing I had added more pictures of my kitty. Follow me on Instagram and you'll see a ton more!! I'm OwlThingsFirst on Instagram too!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Best Friend is a Hippo Named Boo-Boo Butt!

Book Review

Today the book is hidden at my house. I have never been asked to re-read a book as much as I have been asked to re-read this one. I think the author is a genius for making a book so engaging for young readers without using one picture! Have you read it? It is completely ridiculous and I love it! I'm just tired of telling kids that my best friend is a hippo named "Boo-Boo Butt!"

We have a Reading-Buddy event every month. Older students are paired up with younger to read to and with them. I passed this book from former student to former student who had embarrassed me in the past I knew would get a kick out of it. Soon our school was rocking with laughter.

 It is hidden at my house, but only so I can share it with my 16 year old and her exchange student friend from South Korea. She is finding out what an American sleep-over is like! I think a bedtime story is in order. How about you?

Click HERE to see B.J. Novak talk about his book on the Today Show. Matt and B.J. even talk about how it is harder to write a book for children than it is for adults. This is a great inter