
Monday, July 23, 2012

New Bloggers Blog Hop

Are you new to blogging or thinking about getting started? This is a great opportunity for you!
 is hosted by Grade Three is the Place for Me.  It is a great opportunity to hop along, meet new friends and find out some great information!
Link up and share a little about yourself!

 1. what state you are in
 2. your current teaching position
 3. your teaching experience
 4. when you started blogging
 5. share a blogging tip / blogging resource

I live in the beautiful mitten state of Michigan. My city is located on the shores of Lake Michigan. My dad told me before I moved here, that it was the armpit of the state because of the paper mills that once provided jobs for the community I'm in. I got used to the smell and my dad even grew to love the place. The paper mill is gone now leaving an economic hole in the community, but the lake is still here and the water is warm!

Currently, I'm teaching first grade in the mornings and computer and music in the afternoons at a small Christian school. Mornings are my favorite, but  it is nice to spend time with good friends in the afternoon. I have taught first, second and first second splits and 3rd and 4th grade splits over the past 27 years! 

I became a blogger on January 13, 2012. I have enjoyed many aspects of blogging, but my favorite part is the friendships I've made.

I have found that leaving an html code on each comment allows people to easily link back to your blog. Leaving comments is the best way to build your list of followers. Here is the html code for you. Replace the [ and ] with < and > to enable you code to work!

[a href="http://PUTYOURWEBADDRESSHERE"]Name of Blog [/a]
mine looks like this:
<a href="">Owl Things First</a>
Leave lots of comments...bloggers LOVE comments!


  1. The newbie blog hop is getting big. Glad I found you. I'm your newest follower. if you get a chance please visit my blog @ Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.

    Thanks Shanell

    1. I'm coming over with a cup of copy to get acquainted!

  2. I'm a new follower! I loved your post if you give a teacher a blog.. how stinkin'cute! That is exactly how it is.

    I'd love for you to buzz by sometime=)
    The Busy Busy Hive

    1. Thank you, Heather! I was happy to buzz by and follow you! Everyone should!

  3. I just found your blog on the hop and I too love Conscious Discipline! I was fortunate enough to attend one Dr. Bailey's institute in Orlando several years ago and will never forget it.
    Best wishes,
    Thanks for sharing. I am a new follower and am looking forward to reading more.
    Happy Teaching,
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

    1. I would love to attend! For now, I'll just have to read the book! Thanks for stopping by I'm on my over!

  4. I had no clue how to do that clickable link thing in my comments! Thanks for sharing that! I'm going to try it out this second:)
    Learning In Wonderland

  5. I feel honored the first blog hop you joined was mine! :) I agree completely with you. We all love comments--thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog! And, the friendships have been great! Teachers are such a friendly, helpful group!

    On a funny note, my eyes quickly read your blogging tip and read, "Put your BAD A$$" here, not "web address here." lol

    Grade Three is the Place for Me

    1. It has been so much fun, Janis! Thank you for the laugh so hard I cried! I had to go back and make sure I hadn't put the wrong thing in! I'm really good at opening my mouth and inserting my foot!!

  6. Hi, I'm your newest follower and I'm loving this newbie blog hop! I have also given you the Liebster Blog award. Come by Totally Terrific Teaching to pick it up.


  7. I nominated you!! Come check it out!

  8. Oh great! Thank you so much for that tip, I just couldn't figure that out!!! I am your newest follower, Love your blog-- I am doing an owl theme this year too, super cute! Stop by and visit when you're have a chance!

    Miss Augustine's Kindergarten

  9. THANK YOU. I knew html basics YEARS ago when I first started blogging, but I couldn't remember exactly how to do that! Great tip!! And super cute blog!! I'm following you now!

    --Mrs. C.
    <a href=">Teach On.</a>
    (I'm trying it now; hope it works!)

  10. Dang! I forgot something! Gonna try again. (PLease feel free to delete my silly comments testing out the html!)

    -Mrs. C.
    Teach On.

  11. I LOVE all things owls. I'm so glad I found your blog through the newbie blog link up. It's absolutely adorable. I'm your newest follower (also from MI, not many of us huh?) and off to download your Pete the Cat creation. Thanks:)
    The Common Core Classroom


Please give me a hoot!