
Sunday, July 22, 2012

If You Give a Teacher a Blog...

If a teacher sits down to write a quick blog post,  she’ll probably want a facebook page to go with her blog. While she creates her facebook, she’ll see a notification someone pinned something on pintrest. When she gets to Pintrest, she’ll find fifty different ideas to pin. She’ll follow one of the pins to a blog she has to follow. She’ll notice the awards the teacher got and she’ll probably want one, too. While she hops from blog to blog, she’ll find a great linky to join. After she joins the great linky she’ll notice a blog about a give away. She’ll enter the give away all twenty ways possible. When she gets back to her own blog she’ll notice she got the Liebster Award and she’ll have to sit down and write a blog post!
I feel so honored every time I get one of these awards. They’re better than a pat on the back.  It takes time and thought to thank the person who gave it to you and it can be pretty hard to find the right people to pass it on to. Will they like it?  Will they think I’m being too forward? Will they do a huffy because they got another award? Well, here goes my thanks and passing on!
 The      award is presented to new bloggers, which I very much am! Liebster is German for beloved or favorite. I feel so honored that
 presented me with this award.

The rules:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to at least 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.

Here are some up and coming bloggers that I love:

Kinder Cuties
Lovin' Kindergarten
Miss Elementary

Thank you for staying with this post all the way to the end. I have a question for you. Does your family roll their eyes when you request prayers at church for people you blog with?! Thanks for following me...I might be praying for you!!
Don't forget to link up with my first Linky!


  1. Thank you! You're too sweet! And congrats on your award!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  2. Congratulations! My friends are always mystified when I talk about my blog pals. :-) You just don't "get it" unless you're in it!

    1. My family thinks of my blogging buddies as my imaginary friends! I know you're real!!

  3. Thanks for thinking of me! Super sweet!
    The Meek Moose

  4. I miss you! I'll be back to posting mre soon. A lot going on. Will share next week. Xo


    1. I've missed you! I keep going to your blog to have a cup of coffee with you! Hope all is well. XO back to you!

  5. congrats!
    and thank you! you are the sweetest!!! :)

    Miss Elementary

  6. Ha ha, love your post. That was really cute! Is there a cookie in there somewhere, too? :)
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs


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