
Sunday, August 18, 2013

S'more Jesus!

  I got to give the children's message in church this week. I love giving the children's soon as it's over! Like most things that I teach, I learn more than the students. Preparing for a five minute message takes me about five hours. I believe God's word is a living testimony of His love for me, so what a blessing it was to spend time  finding treasures of truth to share with three and four year olds!
graphics by ScrappinDoodles

I knew I wanted to do something with S'mores because what catches kids attention like food?! I couldn't find anything about Moses roasting marshmallows at the burning bush. or the israelites roasting them at the pillar of fire. I searched the new testament for stories about S'mores...No luck. I could find fish and bread. Paul and Silas never had S'mores in jail. I was sure when I typed Bible devotions S'mores something would come up that I could adapt to my message...Nope!

So this is what I said
"Good morning fellow worshippers of the Living God! (blank stares) Do you know what this is? (Hold up a S'more. Get lots of blank stares.) This is a S'more. Do you know why they are called S'mores? (Blank stares...This is going great!) I call them S'mores because as soon as I eat one, I want to eat s'more. They are really yummy and I could eat them every day. That is like God's word.  Did you know you can hear more about God when you leave church? Where do you think you can hear S'more about God when you leave church today? (blank stares...Whoa one cutie raises her hand and says, "The Bible.") We can hear S'more about God from the Bible and we can have S'more time with God every day. I'll show you how it works. The graham cracker (Put graham cracker on a plate) is how we start making a S'more and we can start our S'more time with God by saying a prayer. We can ask God to show us His love through each other and in the Bible. The next part of the S'more is the marshmallow. (Place mini-marshmallows on top of graham cracker) We can sing a song to praise God. He loves to hear our praises through song. The chocolate is God's word. (Place chocolate on top of marshmallows)I think chocolate is the sweetest best part of all...Just like God's word. Finally we have another graham cracker (You know what to do!) to go on the top. When we are done with our S'more time we can talk to God in prayer again. We will ask Him to help us follow His ways and to protect us through hard times. When you put it all together you have a sweet treat. It's hard for busy families to set aside time each day for God, but when we do...We have a sweet treat! (end of sermon...)

I passed out bags of everything the cuties needed to make a S'more at home along with a paper to guide their S'more time. They always get stickers so I threw a couple of those in, too! Then I forgot to give them the magnet I had made them! I found them all after worship and gave it to them then. One of them thought the bird had a sword and was ready to have a sword fight, so it was probably better that I forgot!

Click on the picture if you would like your own guide for S'more time at home. I'm off to enjoy one of the most beautiful days Michigan has to offer. No school work for me today...I'm taking a Sabbath rest!

After writing this post, I did S'more searching for S'more resources. I'm so excited to have found this gem! It is in my cart at Amazon and I can't wait to get it! It will be a great parent resource in my room! Sorry for saying there wasn't much out there. I just wasn't using the right search words. Perhaps God wanted me to search through his word S'more myself. I'm so glad I did! That's the funny thing about God's word...I never wish I hadn't spent S'more time with Him!


  1. Fabulous message in a delicious format, and one sure to stick to their hearts as well as their ribs!

  2. Thank you, Anonymous! I love the way you put it!!

  3. How adorable. I'm so going to "borrow" your lesson. May have to send this one to Mrs. Amanda for our children's church. Love it.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  4. Thanks for sharing. I teach at a private Christian school and I am going to share with the elementary staff.
    Have a great week!

  5. Love!!!!! I need to use this with my girls! :)

  6. What a cute idea! I love Scrappin' Doodles.

    Peacocks & Penguins

  7. That's a sweet lesson! I taught adult Sunday school last weekend, and it took me all day to prepare for 40 minutes of talking. Yikes.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  8. I love this S'more idea - we are planning to use it at our church's fall festival trunk-or-treat! Looking forward to more creative ways to spread the Word!

  9. I am planning to use the S'more idea for a kids campfire night. Will be adding a craft kit i found on oriental trading and the song "I want S'more of Jesus"

  10. Thank you for sharing this lovely idea. May God continue to bless you as you work in His vineyard.

  11. You might need to check your Thessalonians verse. I think you mean verse 17


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