
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Currently July

"Awake my soul and with the sun
Thy daily course of duty run
Shake off dull sloth and joyful rise
To pay they morning sacrifice."
That is the hymn I can hear my grammy singing. When I was younger she would sing this to me when I would visit her to wake me up in the morning. It  was always a joy to rise at her house where there was homemade bread, and games to be played. My grammy was pretty amazing and lived to be 109. She moved into a nursing home at 106 because she didn't want her family to worry about her living on her own. She lived a life of service to God and others and that made her a joy to be around. 

I couldn't really think of a tip, trick or hint when I started, but as I visit with you I'm thinking that my hint might be: "For a happy life... serve others." I'm participating in a book study of  Awakened by Angela Watson. It is a wonderful book and the devotional guide that goes with it is a wonderful guide to have too. Anyway, I'm learning that by changing my mindset I can transform my teaching to become more joyful and productive. Check out Angela's blog HERE.

Last night I had to wait my turn to get into the bathroom. Only one of our toilets is working currently! As I waited for what seemed to be ten people I checked my facebook one more time. I was so excited to find out that I'd won one of Christy Chen's Fuzzy Wuzzy designs, that I almost didn't make it ... You can check out her creations to by clicking HERE. Please tell her Jenny sent you if you like her page!!

I'm on such a coffee kick right now. I love it hot in the morning and iced in the afternoon. I just found this at Meijer on special this week. I'm stocking up on some of this before the week is over. Go to Facebook and like their page and you can get a coupon for your own carton. Caramel Macchiato is my very favorite.

I did start a new project for school, but I really want to start a new sewing project for home. I finished a quilting project this weekend that I'd put on hold for far too long. Now that it is done I need to start another one. I wish I could share this quilted wall hanging with you, but I can share this FREEBIE that I'm making for students who could benefit from a little extra sight word practice. Three pages done, only 27 more to go! 

Have you done your Currently for the month of July, yet? It is lots of fun I'd love to know what you are doing currently...


  1. Love that your grandmother was singing! Looking forward to your sight word pages!

    Visiting from the link up!

  2. Wow, that quilt is awesome! I'm a new bloglovin' follower! Glad to have found you through the "Currently" linky. (And congrats on winning that giveaway!)

    Amy @ The Littlest Superheroes

  3. You words about your grammy was so sweet.
    I'm with you on the coffee kick!
    Although, I guess that is me always, not just right now. lol

  4. Your Grammy sounds like a doll:) 109 is amazing!
    Very pretty quilt, Jenny.

  5. I love being able to hear the singing voices in my head of those who have left us. I'm sure I would have loved hearing your grammy's voice.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  6. Your wanting and needing sound like mine. I'm your newest follower. Found you on Tales of a First Grade Teacher's page. Come check me out, I just started blogging. Teaching with Giggles

  7. Loves this whole post! You had a special grandma...what a treasure to have that song. My grandma didn't believe in Jesus, (as far as I know) so Dean Martin are the songs that she gifted to me:-) The wall hanging is beautiful...quilting is something I wish I was good at.

    Chickadee Jubilee


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