
Monday, May 27, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

Dear First Grade Owlets,
This is my last letter to you before I see your sweet faces again TOMORROW! I can't wait to see you. I missed you so much that I had a dream that when I returned to school the other teachers took you into their classrooms and wouldn't give them back because they liked you so much. The whole dream I was wandering around looking for you!

The last two days of the trip were some of my favorite times. I love the National Gallery of Art. Ella and I only got to spend a brief time there, but we loved every minute of it. We had one artist that we really wanted to see. He is Ella's favorite, Vincent Van Gough. Before Vincent Van Gough died in 1890 he left behind more than 900 paintings. He only sold one of his paintings and you would have to go to Moscow to see that one!
One of Van Gough's over 30 self-portraits.
Everywhere we went we saw gift shops. I bought this book to share with you. I can't wait to show you this book and read it to you. When we are done reading it, we'll talk about the ordinary things that you think are extraordinary! Click HERE to get the paper early. Maybe your family can make a book of their own showing ordinary things!

I have more things to share with you tomorrow. Be sure to come to school to check out the pencils I brought back for you and a puzzle to share with the class!

I'll be wearing this green shirt tomorrow! I got it at the zoo after I saw this panda!

Isn't he cute?
Mrs Reck


  1. That green shirt is perfect for you! Welcome home.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. What a wonderful trip you've had. So glad you shared it. Love the shirt. Welcome home!
    First in Maine


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