
Friday, May 3, 2013

Five For Friday (Freebie!)

I can't believe it has already been a week since I last hung out with you! What a beautiful week it has been. The weather has been gorgeous and having to buy some new clothes and sandals was just a sacrifice I had to make. I got these in black, but I think I need them in a lot of different colors...My feet are so happy when I wear them!

These sandals will keep my feet happy on the streets of Washington D.C., London, Paris and Munich this summer. I just need to pinch myself from time to time to make sure I'm not dreaming! I can't wait to share these awesome places with my family! I really don't like that black spot up there....I wish I knew how I could fill it in with something....

Did you know that Mother's Day is one week away? I have plans, but you'll have to wait a whole week to find out what they are. Here is a peak at one of the things we'll be doing this week. If you click on the picture you'll even get a freebie. I wrote this book for my owlets to read to their Mom's on Mother's Day. This is the first year I'll be with my kids on Mother's Day in ten years. I hope they like bird watching...Usually I spend the day looking for birds with my sisters on that weekend, but with three graduations and a major trip we decided to skip our annual bird outing this year...Boo hoo!
Let's see that's two so far...
Number 3

We took a field trip this week to watch road construction. I decided if you can't beat it join it! This construction has really played havoc on my morning commute and won't be done until November. Come to think of it, my afternoon commute isn't any better. Anyway, with the majority of my students being boys, I decided a trip to the construction site was in order. It was a major hit! A beautiful day plus dirt plus road construction equipment equaled happiness! Just so you know it was educational! We talked about intersecting lines, sequencing, measurement and more! Click HERE if you want a freebie to go with this kind of a trip. We read Road Builders which is a  pretty sweet non-fiction read! (Sweet=cool!)

My Owlets love these following direction pages! Follow the link to get your
free set before I start charging big bucks for them! I need more money
for shoes!
Number 4 and 5! I entered a
contest for a Jayhawk bench on Facebook and won. This is so exciting I'm leaving it at that! Please take the time to like the School Outfitters on Facebook...You might have a chance to win something awesome, too!

I just might be back tomorrow... or next week!
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching, and you should too!
Freebie Fridays


  1. Oh, that bench is cool. I have a wood one in my backyard that is falling apart - the plastic would be so much better - and you'd never have to paint it! Congrats!

  2. You'll be quite the traveler this summer. I've been to London and Paris. If only you could drop by Italy while you're in the neighborhood.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Sounds like you have an amazing summer coming up.


  4. Sounds like you have a lot of fun trips planned! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  5. Oh my...this is full of excitement! And I thought going to New York was going to be awesome (well it will)...but you have some serious travel going on.

    Chickadee Jubilee


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