
Friday, March 29, 2013

Five for Friday

It is Good Friday...And it has been good Friday! (1) Right now I'm hanging out with my girls watching Season 2 of Downton Abbey. We had to subscribe to Amazon Prime to be able to keep watching. We watched Season 1 when my oldest was home from college on her Spring Break and as soon as she came home for Easter we got started. It's our goal to finish this season by Sunday night!
 (2) Did you see the full moon? Both morning and night I got to see its beauty shining down on us. It may have had an effect on my class, or it may have been all the jelly beans they were eating, too!

(3) Achievement testing is done. Yippee! Testing couldn't have come at a worse time. I would have loved to have had more time to celebrate Easter. We spent the the whole day on Thursday celebrating! We had an Easter egg hunt after coloring eggs and playing the game I shared yesterday!

(4) I found these cute, cute, cute, chickadees at Target. I immediately thought of my friend Laurie! Laurie, have you had these? My owlets LOVED them!! We did all kinds of math with them. I made up little stories about chickadees laying eggs(jelly beans!) and they had so much fun acting out the stories. They put them inside their egg shells...Their idea....and I ran around taking pictures!

(5) I've saved the best for last....Drum roll please! It is Spring Break...Did I say that already? Nope! I just scrolled up and I may have alluded to it, but I hadn't come right out and said SPRING BREAK! We went on a hike today and it didn't look much like spring. My family and I looked for signs of spring, but mostly saw snow!

 I love linkin up with Doodle Bugs Teaching. Have you tried it? Who cares if it isn't Friday!



  1. I forgot- I saw the full moon yesterday morning. As my spring break is ending, yours is starting! Have a wonderful break!

  2. So glad I was on spring break and missed the full moon craziness:) However, we felt rushed celebrating St Patrick's Day and Easter all in the same week!

    Enjoy your break:)
    The Resourceful Apple

  3. I'm finishing up my spring break, and it's actually looking and feeling like spring. I hope your snow goes away and spring arrives for you soon!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Happy Easter! I'm at the end of my spring break, we go back on the 2nd of April---to a week filled with TerraNova and InView testing. Pray for us!!

    Oh, Downton Abbey <3! All of season 1&2 are available on Hulu, also.

    I left a long reply to your comment on my post. :-) Thanks for sharing your heart; I also see a lot of joy in the convos of my chatty class. I've had a few serious situations with my class this year--if you read my reply, I'd love to talk via email.

    Enjoy your break! ReadWriteSing

  5. Your egg math looks like a LOT of fun!
    Enjoy your spring break. Mine ended a week ago but spring is definitely here. Just bought a push mower, did my front lawn and got the deck all tidied up.
    Hopefully your snow is gone soon:)
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  6. My roommate and I just watched all of Season 3. I think I like them better when I can watch them consecutively. SO funny story about the chickadees....I hadn't heard of them until one day, one of my students brought a package. They were convinced Target made them just for our class!

    Chickadee Jubilee


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