
Friday, March 22, 2013

Five For Friday Freebie!

I love linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching! Coming up with five random things from the week is a much better use of my time than playing Candy Crush Saga on facebook!
1. I love having music in my classroom and I play it frequently as a way to transition, as a brain break and as background noise. Spotify is my most recent music source of choice. I upgraded to unlimited this week, so now I have NO ADDS!! Some the adds aren't very kid friendly, if you know what I mean. The kids favorite is Concerning Hobbits from the Lord of the Rings, while I prefer Organic White Noise for Babies! It sounds like a spring forest in my classroom thanks to Spotify!

2. We have needed brain breaks this week.... Achievement testing...'nough said and no pictures necessary!

3. Our 7th and 8th graders are spending a week in D.C. this spring. I get to go along as a chaperone, parent, and literature teacher. My daughter is in 8th grade, so I'm looking forward to this time with her. Anyway, the past two weeks we have had a Penny Wars fund raiser. Kids try to fill their own classroom buckets with pennies and other classrooms with silver and green money. The class with the most pennies after silver and green is subtracted from their amount wins a pizza party. I waited until today to bring in a box of pennies...
Yep...2500 pennies!

We passed this box around and guessed how much it weighed. Only three students guessed a weight under 100 pounds! I have some work to do on measuring weight! I'll announce the winner on Monday. What would your guess be?
4. My kids are having a great time seeing what kind of owl they are with these math challenges. I give them a minute and then they get to count how many they got correctly complete and give themselves a rating. I'm starting to add subtraction to the mix, too!

5. Do you know the game L, C, R? I love playing that game and used it as the basis for this game. My owlets love playing it and I hope yours will too!
That's my Five for the week...Now it's back to Candy Crush Saga and an early bedtime! 


  1. I am originally from Michigan! I love the title and theme of your blog! Super cute!

  2. I've never been to DC. Can I come too?
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. DC is great. You'll love it. How old are your kids? Why didn't I know this?

    First in Maine
    Academic Resources

  4. Thanks for the Spotify tip! I hadn't heard of that.

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  5. Kathy sent me from First Grade a la Carte. So glad her birthday party is helping me find great new blogs!

  6. Kathy sent me! I'll have to come back next week when I'm off. I live in MI too

  7. DC was one of my favorite trips during high school. I just went with my family, not school. SO many amazing things to do and learn and see.

    Chickadee Jubilee


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