
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Roll and Read Freebie

The snow piles are still laying in piles all around town. They aren't as pretty or as welcome as they were when they first arrived in November. They have worn out their welcome and we would all be happier if they would go away and make way for spring. Spring is in the air. I can tell she's arriving by the way the birds welcome me each morning when I step out the door.  The sun is shining at a different angle and my daughter is on her way home for spring break. Spring, you can't come soon enough for me.

Soon my owlets will be reading poems filled with flowers, birds, kites and leprechauns. To help them enjoy repeated readings of poems and words around the room I've been using a Roll and Read chart. My kiddos love talking in some of the silly voices that they've heard me use over the year. I hope that your kiddos  enjoy using this chart, too! Click HERE if you'd like to use this!

I'm helping Janet celebrate having 100 followers. Be sure to follow the link by clicking on the picture below to Janet's blog for a chance to win some great prizes!

Freebie Fridays


  1. I love this freebie! My kiddos will have so much fun with the different voices. Oh so clever!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. We sometimes read poems in silly voices too, so this chart is perfect! In fact, it's totes adorbs! Ha ha I couldn't resist:) glad you liked the clipart penguins .

  3. My kiddos love dice activities- we use a great one for spelling- and they'll love this! Thanks :)

  4. Love the freebie! So glad I found your blog through the State Linky Party!! I am your newest follower :)


  5. Jenny, if you pop back over to my design blog, you have a chance to win some Easter clip art I made today:) It's a 10-hour window. Little birds are involved ....
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  6. Love the freebie!! Currently working on this in my room and this is a nice twist to what we are doing! Thank you!

    Apples and Papers


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