
Friday, February 8, 2013

Love Notes Linky

With Hundred's Day behind us, it's time to think about that day of 
L-O-V-E! Join me in this fun Linky at Literacy and Laughter!
Her is my Lovely List...
Name: Jenny
Grade you Teach: First, K-8 Technology, and 7/8 Literature
State: MEEEEEchigan
Birthday: October
Favorite Colors: Depends on the day! Today? Snow White
Yep...another Snow Day!

Lucky Number: <Gasp...>I don't believe in luck.
Favorite Subject: Literacy
Go to Snack: Popcorn
TV Show: Once Upon a Time
Last Movie You Watched: Lincoln...Wow! 
Music You are Loving Right Now: Anything written by my son...He's amazing! You can see a rap featured in  a video he made for Calculus class if you'd like....

Always shopping at: TPT and Meijers...I hang out at both places regularly!

Share links to a blog you love... Please check out the awesome blogger on my blog roll. They are more than bloggers. They are friends!

Here is a new friend...
.Celebrating my first Blog Birthday - Lessons From The MiddleShe is having an awesome Give Away...Check it out!

Two Random Facts:
I love birds. It is probably true that I have more pictures of birds than my own children. I have feeders all around my house and every family vacation includes at least one day of looking for birds for me to add to my list. I travel each spring to some migratory hot spot with my sisters to try to see more than we had seen the year before.

 Random Fact #2:  My first car was a Yugo. I loved that car and drove it back and forth from St. Louis to Michigan several times. I would gladly trade my mini-van in for another Yugo as my need for hauling kids around decreases. All my husbands nephews used it to learn to drive a stick shift. It was so much fun to drive!

The Loves of my life:
I don't have a picture of God but I see Him in the faces of my family, students and fellow teachers everyday!
The other loves of my life are the ones God has blessed me with...

Aren't they lovely?

I hope you'll link-up, too! Thank you Amy, for hosting the fun!


  1. I couldn't find a picture of God for my post either, but you're right. He's in those faces!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Replies
    1. It's a fun one, Irene! I'd love to read about your loves.

  3. Jennifer,

    I LOVED your Calculus video. So fun!! Thank you so much for linking up. : )


    1. Thanks for taking the time to watch!! I think it's pretty clever, too!


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