
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

All I Want For Christmas Linky

Here are the "rules"!
Tell what you would like for Christmas from these people:
1. Students
2. Children
3. Significant Other
4. Parent/Family
5. BFF
6. Santa

I used to tell students they didn't need to get me anything...and they don't need to. However, I have learned that students do need to find a way to show kindness. We have to allow our students to express their love for us. Gift giving is a wonderful way to show love. I love getting gifts for others. I want my students to develop a love for giving. The world will be a better place when we all get more joy from giving than receiving. From my students I love to get owl things, homemade ornaments, and dark chocolate! 

My own children give me a gift every time I catch them hanging out together. They like to listen and make music together. They like each others company... sometimes. Those "sometimes" are a gift to me. It fills me with joy when I see them finding joy in the best gift I ever game them...each other! One night I caught them reading one of my blog posts. They were very upset with me. I said they were "no longer believers"! They are believers. They believe in a God who was so loving He sent His one and only Son to be born on Christmas...The very best gift of all!
They were believers then and they are now, too!

My husband always comes up with a way to surprise and delight me at Christmas. I can't wait to see what it is. I really want a heated birdbath. I would love an iPad to use with my students. I've been looking at some new flannel sheets...Something with owls would be nice!

My brother and sisters know what I like. Children's books and socks usually top my list of wants. You can never have too many of either! 

I would like to get more time from my BFF! I'd like to spend more time drinking coffee and talking. We can talk about anything. Time and a giftcard to our favorite coffee place is what I want.

Dear Santa, I would really like to have an all inclusive trip somewhere warm. I want to sit on a beach and read for five hours and then go eat some amazing food. If you throw in a couple of massages and long walks I would be even better this year! Somewhere with lots of interesting birds is preferable! 

Look! There is a spot for both of us! Do you want to come, too?


  1. OMG! I wish I asked Santa for the same trip! That looks like so much fun! Thank you so much for linking up!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  2. I agree with Irene! I so want a warm, beach vacation! Thanks for linking up!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  3. YES! I would love to come on your trip to a far, far, far away land where the sun is shiny and warm! Thanks for the invite ;)

  4. I used to love love socks! I had 2 drawers of them! Not so much now, as I live in a warm place that looks like your vacay picture. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!


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