
Monday, November 12, 2012

Turkey Talk and a Freebie!

This First Thanksgiving Day: A Counting Book
I loved this book! I loved it when I read it to myself and loved it even more when I shared it with my owlets today. They were so engaged by both the text and the gorgeous pictures. This group of students loves reading. Anytime I pick up a book they get so excited. This book generated so many good questions, too! It is a great book to use for modeling "wondering"
On this page they wondered why the girls were shy. We talked about the difference in cultures and some of differences in language, clothing and even play.

Speaking of turkeys...My students loved watching this video I took in my backyard Sunday. Turkeys are regular visitors along with the deer. It should give the perfect ambiance to our Thanksgiving dinner!

Here is a game you can play with your kiddos. It's played like "Bump" but I've named it Turkey Tonk in honor or my brother-in-law who taught us all how to play a card game called "Tonk". I'm hoping we'll be playing it next week!
I'm linking up with Gina on the Beach Sand! Go check out some other wonderful Thanksgiving ideas!


  1. HI Jennifer! Thank so much for joining the linky party! Just when I think I know every picture book there is a new one comes along! I love the one you shared and I'll be looking out for it. Better World Books is a great site for used books. I couldn't see your video! I was looking forward to the turkeys! :-( Thanks again for sharing!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  2. Hi Jennifer! I've seen your blog around and thought I was already following you, but now I am officially a follower!

    This is such a cute book, and I'll have to check it out!

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  3. Hi Jenny!
    That looks like a wonderful book. I haven't seen that one before. I'll have to look for it (That's if there are still any Thanksgiving books left in the stores, I think Christmas books have taken over.). I found your blog via the linky party. I'm a new blogger. Check me out if you have a chance!

  4. Love your turkey video, Jenny! Thanks for the freebie, too.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  5. NOW I see the turkeys! (Couldn't see them at school this morning!) That is so cool!!! I would love that at Thanksgiving! Maybe I'll get a few to wander around next week! LOL! Thanks again for sharing!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  6. I just found your adorable blog.

    Thanks for sharing your Turkey Tonk game. It's perfect for math centers.

    Hope you will stop by soon.

    Granny Goes to School

  7. Hi Jenny!

    I've never heard of that book before, but I will have to check it out! It looks like the kids would really like it! So glad that I found you through the linky! I'm your newest follower!

    Thanks too for the freebie!!
    First Grade in Foxwell Forest


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