
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pi Bo Id Mo: Day 1

Ahhhh, November! You are too cold and damp to do much outside. You bring gifts of first snows, cloudy days, gale force winds and hot chocolate! November I love you because of your pumpkin pies and turkeys. I love you because you have a day set aside for us to spend being grateful for many blessings. I love you because I can spend long hours by the fireplace reading . . .picture books! There is no better way to spend November than reading picture books!
I recently made a promise to read and post about a picture book each day this month.

The first book I'm sharing has recently become a favorite of mine. I'm more of a cat person than dog person but I love the beautiful woodcut illustrations Stephen Huneck uses in  Sally Goes to the Farm. Subtle humor in this book makes me smile and "my boys" love the way Sally meets a new friend. If you love dogs or farms or even a book about friendship this is a great addition to your library.

Thank you Kimberly for sharing this idea with me! I love your blog because I love the way you communicate through it! You are one of the people I would love to meet in real life!


  1. What a great idea! I am a picture book collector--I'll be checking in to see your suggestions. :-)

  2. I love you right back friend of my heart.

    PiBoIdMo is actually about writing one picture book idea a day for the month of November. I am doing that as well but highlighting one real picture book a day for the month as inspiration. I can't wait to see yours!


  3. Sounds like a GREAT story for all! :)


    ps... I took the plunge and bought the Danskos!


Please give me a hoot!