
Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Little of This and That! Freebie-Giveaway!

Thanksgiving may be over, but I've still got plenty of turkeys around! One of my  Some child actually went wading in Lake Michigan after dinner! I hosted the big event at our "new" house and it felt so wonderful to warm the house with sounds of laughter and game play. I hid my computer from myself and devoted my time and energy to sleeping, eating, cooking and spending time with family!

Now it is time to buckle down and start gearing up for the week to come. I refuse to do anything Christmas until December first! This week should be a fairly calm week at school with a somewhat normal schedule. I would feel quite bad if I didn't mention to you a great find. I have been using the table making function to make configuration boxes. This takes such a long time, but I have two students that these have been tremendously helpful for! When I discovered  this font, my life changed! Thank you to C & C Teach First for coming up with such a wonderful tool. Here is a sample of one of the first things I've done with this font. I hope you can use it!

I am happy to be celebrating with Jessica from Tales of a First Grade Teacher!  She is having a great giveaway with prizes from many other of my favorite bloggers. Hop over and enter for your chance to win some great stuff!!

I even managed to squeeze in a morning of birding the day after Thanksgiving. The best birds we saw were the hundreds of Northern Shovelers, two young Bald Eagles and my first ever Long-tailed duck.

The young Bald Eagles don't get all their white feathers until
they are about five years old!


  1. Ha ha! Crazy kid:)
    I love your baby bald eagle photo. We have lots of bald eagles around here but I've never seen a baby.
    Glad your Thanksgiving was so wonderful!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Thanks for the call out on the Shape Boxes font. I'm so glad you like it! Doesn't it make life so much easier? We use them alot as an accommodtions on spelling or word dictation assessments for those kids that needs just a little boost. Its nice to compare their scores on how they do independently without shape boxes to how they do with just that simple clue. I just finished another font called Shape Box Spelling Patterns, which provides you with multi-letter shape boxes with dotted lines between spelling patters (ea, ai, ay, etc.) I was even more giddy when I got that one done! :)

    Hope your ready for next week and Christmas mode!



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