
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Take Time to Play!

After voicing my feelings about play, you'll find some ways to have fun and learn with a Halloween theme! I'm linking up with Brian at Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings to find more great ideas for fall! Thanks for hosting such a great party, Brian!

I remember when I first started teaching...Yes, I can remember that far back! Kindergarten was mostly play, half day and a nap was thrown in there, too! I'm not sure kids are better off today! All day kindergarten is now the norm and naps or even rest time is gone. Two out of three of my own children attended kindergarten for half the day and didn't ever have a pre-school class. They did have a play group that was quite structured by some amazing moms! My youngest did attend pre-school and all day kindergarten because I went back to work.

I wish I had had the time with my youngest that I had with my first two. I can't say I wish any of my children had more schooling. I can't say that more schooling would have made my first child more successful! She will be graduating this year from college with a double major in biology and chemistry. She has gotten all As and loves learning. I am proud of her accomplishments.
Future architects!

All of my children learned a lot through play. If there is one thing I wish I could give my students more of, it would be play. Play is highly underrated! Children learn so much when they play together or even alone. When I watch my students play this year  I see future architects, engineers and writers. Last year I had a class full of teachers! We don't  have to fill every moment with Common Core! We can let children bloom and unfold in ways that aren't in a teachers manual. Let them eat cake play!
Future engineers!
Here is a little goody for you for taking the time to read my rant! This packet includes three games and a book! Enjoy playing with your students!

Have you entered?


  1. This is the third time I've tried to comment. Don't know why it won't take.

    Anyway, I totally agree. I think if we spent more time playing kids would be academically the same. We can't shove more info into them. It doesn't work that way.


  2. Time to play is so important for all of us! Thanks for sharing your Halloween activities that will help make learning fun!
    Still Teaching After All These Years

  3. I wish I had more time to play, that's for sure! My girls are coloring and building (or throwing blocks.. not sure which one) and I'm getting ready to enter grades. Story of my life.

    I LOVE your Halloween packet! I just downloaded it. :) I can't wait to use a few activites for our Fall Celebration as we are now not allowed to eat any food at our celebrations due to allergies in our building. Thanks for saving the day friend!


  4. I love listening to their conversations during play...crack me up!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  5. I am your newest follower! Thanks for linking up with me. I'm currently subbing and have subbed in several Kindergarten classes, a few still did rest time even though only like 1 or 2 in each class truly fell asleep!



Please give me a hoot!