
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bring a Leaf to School Day! (Freebie!)

Leaf shown is larger than actual size!
I loved bring a leaf to school day! The first thing we had to do was give our leaves eyes so they could see what goes on during the day. 
Leaf shown is smaller than actual size!
Some leaves had only one eye...cyclops leaves were very popular!

Leaf shown is greener than actual leaf!
One leaf was lucky enough to have three eyes!

We read to our leaves and showed them what first graders do all day. We used our leaves to help us write detailed sentences about one topic. Every first grader wrote at least two sentences that gave details about their own leaf. No one was allowed to write, "I like my leaf." No one could write, "My leaf is cool!" They were so proud of their work. . . I was, too!

Party Leaves are in the school tonight! I'm not sure what they are up to, but you can read the book  here! I can hardly wait to share this e-book with my students tomorrow and play this dice game....
Click the picture to grab your own copy! I love all of Digital Bakeshop's graphics, but these Thanksgiving Hoots and Tweets are among my favorite!
I'll leaf you alone now! Thanks for stopping by!  Congratulations to the winners of my Give Away....Cecilia, Laurie and Renonda....You are bosom friends! Thanks to all who entered!! Thank you Carson Dellosa for being a "Bosom Friend"!


  1. Cute leaves. We're graphing our leaves this week, but I like how yours got to check things out for a while. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I LOVE LOVE this! How fun! I am going to show the book to my class! Have you read, Leafman?

    Chickadee Jubilee


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