
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Abandon Ship!

Thank you,DoodleDarlin'!

Today I was bombarded by Titanic questions. I felt as though I had hit an iceberg. Every time I turned around I heard another question about that fated ship, or that dreaded question..."When is it time for lunch?" We were cruising along so well. We were making such good progress and then another child said, "Can't you just make us a worksheet about the Titanic?" Now a part of me wanted to snap and say "NO! It doesn't fit in the curriculum!" Luckily, the Conscious Discipline side told me to STAR....Smile, take a deep breath and relax. Finally, I relented and said I would make a book that they could read about the Titanic. The band struck up a celebratory note and cheers were heard through out the school...Well, I did get a hooray! Now I've got a problem...I have to come up with a book, write my weekly "Owl About First Grade," do the laundry, clean the dishes, read at least one chapter of my book, play with my new Paper Monster Laminator from My and squeeze in a couple hours of sleep.

What I'm getting to is a very big THANK YOU! to a new friend I made. at  
Primary Junction
I went to to TPT on the off chance of finding something for first graders on the Titanic.  Kayla has a wonderful unit with some great options that she is giving away FREE! I am so happy that I felt compelled to give her a shout-out and let her know how grateful I and a classroom of first graders are!
On the serious side...I love finding something that catches my students fancy and going at it full steam. I can't wait until next week when we make our own Titanics to float in our school sea!


  1. OMC....why are kids so into the Titanic? Every year we talk about it. One year, a few years ago, I did a whole unit on it and last year, we had to learn about it for 100th anniversary. It was before I started blogging, so I have nothing fantabulous to show you. I found Kayla's cute unit last year and my kids were so into it! You have to find the book, Pig on the Titanic. And I little clip from Titanic...the Musical.
    (Yes I realize I am completely dorking out right now.)

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. Don't you love finding exactly what you need, when you need it?! Serendipity :-)

  3. You are so welcome, Jenny, and THANK YOU for the sweet shout-out! You've seriously made my day. :-) I'm so glad my little unit was able to free up some of your time because I definitely know how that goes! I hope your First Grade kiddos will love the unit! Oh, and I'd love to see pictures of your Titanic float project... sounds so neat!

    Primary Junction

  4. My William will be on board with your Titanic lesson. We spent the summer at the shipwreck museum at Whitefish Point, The Soo Locks, Ferry to Drummond Island. He is obsessed with the Titanic , has every book & watch the move more than 20 times. We have books if you need to borrow. Thank you so so much:)
    Megan bassett


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