
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ready, Set, Learn!

So blessed to be able to lift HIS name on high!
This year's chapel theme: It's Still All About Jesus

In about twelve hours I'll be starting my 20 somethingish year of teaching. It's been difficult for me to figure out the exact number of years I've been teaching. Between my first seven years and my last sixteen years I took a long maternity leave to have three children. Those three went and grew uprown up and the last one just fledged leaving me an empty nester...I'm both happy and sad about the whole state of affairs. It's like a brand new beginning. A whole new chapter to life.

So I haven't been tied into the blogosphere in quite some time. I'm going to give it a go again. My goal is to chronicle my year in pictures and words. I'd like to be able to share these adventures with my students' families as well as you!

This year I've decided to go with a camping theme. I found some camp chairs and tent on clearance and the rest is history! I'm so excited for my campers to arrive tomorrow and start our learning edventures. Here is a sneak peak of what they'll see...

We'll spend the first two weeks of school...or more
talking about character traits of campers! 

Who won't want to read in this tent? 

LOVE my large group area! Everyone has a seat crate to
store their stuff! Mine is the red one. I got a nice stash of coffee in mine!

It gets better watch what happens when I flip the lid...
YES! It's a lap desk/dry erase board!
I'm so thankful for a handy hubs and a youtuber! I linked
you to the video below!

I Sold pillowcases to family and friends to raise money for the materials.
You can help too because I have some left over! I give books suggestions
for almost each pillowcase. Plus if you time it right you'll find Pete the Cat
buntings! Those guys sell immediately, so (sew!) I keep making them!
Pillowcases make great gifts and it's fun to have fancy cases for company. 😉
Click the picture if you'd like to check out my store!


  1. I'm so, so, so excited that you're back!!!!!! I can't wait to read all about your year! I'm totally in love with your crate seats! That's going on my to do list for the future. Can I be in your class this year???? Praise be to God, He is so, so good!

  2. It's great to see you again. Your space looks great!

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