
Friday, July 13, 2012

Conscious Discipline : Composure

I should have known it was Friday the 13th!  I stayed up way too late working on my post for Chapter Nine of In Pictures and In Words last night. "I'll sleep in", I thought. First the crows woke me up. Just as I was drifting back to sleep the Garbage Guys came though with their monster trucks. I'm starting to get my float back on when someone reminds me to take my daughter to her babysitting job.  I go to make coffee and NO FILTERS!  I was really feeling like a monster at this point. Just before I posted my thoughts on Chapter 9, I find out it's been postponed until next week. Now I'm growling like a monster because I look forward to this event all week.

Self-control....Self control ...I'm studying Conscious Discipline right now. "Self control must be your first priority as a teacher"  I'm supposed to do something when I feel stressed ...STAR!
S Smile
T Take a deep breath
A And
R Relax
Wow! It's working.  I'm starting this day over the brain smart way and I'm going to implement stress reduction activities.
Chapter 1 is all about "Composure". Though I can't implement this in my classroom YET, I can in my home. I've been practicing these ideas at home and it's making a difference in how I relate to my own children. They are maybe getting a little tired of me saying, "No one can make you angry without your permission.
They are not as innocent as they look. Sometimes
they are monsters!

I'm so glad I got this book. There is only one draw back. I want to read the whole thing right away and start using all the powers. Conscious Discipline is a program that is reflective and in order to change I can only practice one skill at a time. I like the advice for using this book and I think it's good advice for life, "Be patient with yourself and enjoy the process. You cannot have an unhappy ending to a happy journey! It reminds me to not give up on myself and others...God isn't finished with me yet!

 Wait! I like monsters! They're cute and funny. Maybe I can turn this day around after all. And I did!  I made mini-posters for each of the Key Phrases used in Conscious Discipline. I'll be ready when I get to each power! If you are feeling like a monster, you can click on the picture and download a set for yourself, too!


  1. That book is on my list. I'm looking forward to getting it at some point!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. You won't be sorry if you get it! Order it directly from the company. It's about half the price there than it is on Amazon! I would love to lead a parenting class using the parenting materials.

  2. Great post!! I need to finish reading through the first chapter. Your kids are so funny and yep... I love monsters too! Thanks for the freebie!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

    1. I've read the first chapter several times through and I'm still finding gems! My kids are a lot of fun. This was supposed to be a nice family picture taken right before their grandmother's funeral...She would have approved!

  3. I've been reading a lot about this book and it's on my list to get. Thanks for the freebie!!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

    1. You are welcome! It is more than just a book! It's a great way to think about changing children's lives by giving them the power of positive thought and behavior! No one paid me to say that!!

  4. I hate it when you read or see a bunch of awesome things...and then you are so overwhelmed my them, you can't do any of them:-)

    Chickadee Jubilee

    1. I think it's called discomboggulated! I know the feeling too well. It's so hard to pick an choose!

  5. The delay of chapter nine depresses me too! We are so alike. I haven't looked at conscious discipline. Must check it out.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Misery loves company!! CD is worth checking out!

  6. I love that book! I keep reading different parts over and over... this is the first summer in 7 years that I have not taken it home. I will have to get it when I visit my classroom in a couple of weeks!!

    1. It is very good...This is my first, but I can see why you would want to read it over and over again!

  7. I am so happy you are loving it too! I have been slacking on my CD posts....sorry. =(

    I have read each chapter numerous times and am always learning something new or I have a new experience I can see that I need to learn from.

    I having been doing CD for about 5 years now and still don't have it all together. =)


    Heather's Heart

    1. Heather, you have been such an inspiration to me in so many ways! Thank you for recommending this book. It is everything I hoped. I look forward to more posts from you on this subject!!

  8. We must be blog twins and kindred spirits. I love monsters and have a monster theme this year. And I use hugs, high fives and shakes when my students enter the room. Love your blog! I'm a new follower!


    1. I love your blog, Greg, so I feel honored to be your blog twin! I'm working on a monster pack right now. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. I've also been looking around for a way to join your tat linky party!! What a great idea! Thanks for following!

  9. Jenny, I am so glad you stopped by my blog! I am thoroughly enjoying yours. I think I saved that fairy on my laptop. She's just a simple graphic from the internet. I think (hope) it was a free one. I'd be glad to share it with you once I find it. :)

    Glad to be your newest follower,
    Kinder Cuties

    1. That would be great...I love fairies. I have so many graphics on my computer that I've thought about buying some and then realized I already have it! I'm so glad to have you following along. I'll be over to visit again soon!


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